2001-07-17 / 9:08 p.m.

~Will shaves his pits!~

Reality show junkie here!

Okay, so I know I'm in the minority - women who choose not to rid their bodies of all hair save what's on their heads - and I have my reasons for not shaving my legs, my pits, whatever, and my reasons for those few times a year when I do shave. But.......

When I see a man who's shaved his legs or his pits, well, that looks really strange.

If he's a bodybuilder, I get it, a swimmer, sure, a competitive runner or cyclist, okay, less "drag", right? And, really, me being who I am, the way I am, the individual that I am, one who believes everyone should really do his/her own "thing", I don't mind, whatever the choice.......


Will, the goofy, unsympathetic doctor freak on "Big Brother 2", the one who tweezes his eyebrows, his hairline, wears moisturizer on his forehead so he might prevent wrinkles....Will shaves his pits!

On tonight's episode (yeah, "episode"), he's seen lying on the hammock with Nicole, telling her, well, lying to her, about how badly he feels about his prior behavior in the house. Oh, he's going on and on and on, and on even, this we can see with the editing - he talked to her for quite a while, so long that he felt sure he had a sunburn when it was time to go inside. And, what else did we notice? With his arms up and behind his head, a nice clean shaven underarm.

I don't know his reason. Perhaps he shaves his legs as well. But hey, why is this okay? Why is it okay if this guy tweezes and shaves and moisturizes, but it's not okay for me to go hairy in a pair of shorts in the summertime?

Why is it a man can do whatever the hell he chooses with his body hair and facial hair, but women are held to ridiculous standards?

And why does he shave his pits? Oh, I'm certainly not one to judge, but this guy's a freak! Insert winky smiley emoticon here.

Today, one week after the fact, I once again found myself shopping at Tarzhay. And I wandered, oooo, look at that funky lamp! Oooooo, what about that purple "wastebasket"? That is cool! Lots of purple things. And I simply MUST have that disco ball keychain! That is too fun!

Man, why am I allowed out at all?

Yeah, so maybe it will be a little ritual....except I think I've bought all that Tarzhay has to offer me. I'm sated. For now. It's just that when a woman finds a bra she really likes, one that's comfy, one that she can really wear, for those times when she knows it would freak people out to have to see her nipples (Gasp! No one should be FORCED to see anyone's nipples! Especially at work!), well, why does she buy just one? Oh, foolish woman, you must buy two! Because one might be sweaty and in the dirty clothes basket for a month or so.

Too much information. But, hey, it's my diary.

Speaking of bras - why should I wonder why I slept all weekend, why I was so depressed, why my breasts have once again swollen at least a cup size? (I only point this out because I have no breasts except for this odd monthly occurrence, and I may add that it hurts like hell!)? DUH! I'm going to experience the joy of being a woman, again.

Yes, it happens every month, despite my will. If I weren't considered too old for egg harvesting I'd say take them all now! Fucking scramble them if you want.......but would I really? That's MY genetic code there. Hmmmm.....

Still. Being a woman, menstruating, no matter how earthy you are, is a pain in the fucking ass, or uterus, and I would rather not do it, really.

Oh, I started reading The Slate Diaries today at work, but the damn phone kept ringing. Made it really hard to read, or hold a conversation. Damn people with their stupid employee concerns. Don't they know I have better things to do than work while I'm at work?

So, so far, it's not as personal or interesting as some of the diaries I've read on here, but it may be. Dave Eggers is in there.

Onward to reality show Number Two of the evening, "Real World" will be on soon, and why isn't it an hour?

Cost of the War in Iraq
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