Friday, Feb. 27, 2004 / 10:35 p.m.

~It's the 'Lip' Smacking Thing~

I had a 'Me too!' experience at work today, and it kept going and going and going. She'd tell me about her cats, about the sound the one makes before he throws up, or the carpet cleaning machine she bought, that looks good sitting there still in its box, or sleeping with the cats in bed, the way the one comes under the covers and turns around to put her head on her arm, to sleep, "Spooning! Yours does that too?!?!?!? Spooning!!"

Me too! Really? Me too!

And just this morning, on my way out the door, putting on my purple angora hat, and the same scarf I always wear, the same coat, wondering if one scarf, one hat, one coat are enough, and why shouldn't they be?, why must we have so much variety... yet be a two party political system?, ever wonder that?, I was thinking I want to meet other women in their 40s (which made me shudder and say, "I'm in my FORTIES!", terrified of growing old and dying) who live alone, but with cats, so not really alone, but yeah, alone and with cats.

She, of the "Me too!" experience, is not in her 40s, she's much older, or so I think, but we've sat together to work on this silly project they've got us working on, at work, this thing that keeps us busy, instead of laying us all off I suppose, but we all hate it, or most of us, those of us with any sense, but we use it as time to get to know each other, as they want us to work in pairs, and anyway, we have sat together twice now and she starts talking and every word out of her mouth makes me think we are kindred spirits, soulmates, we are one and the same.

Of course I change my mind later.

I'm tired of changing my mind. I wish my mind would stay the same, but do I really? See, I've changed my mind in one sentence, divided by a single comma.

But she had me putting my head on the desk, covering my eyes, my face, laughing out loud, so hard, omigod, omigod, me too, I do that too, whatever you just said, say anything, me too, I want to too, I do that too, my cats do that too.

There were exceptions, of course. No, my cats do not sleep on my pillows, thank you very much, and it sounds like I am quite the disciplinarian - god, imagine if I had children! - compared to you, but many things, yes.

She made me laugh, and I needed to laugh. It was a hard day. It was an overwhelmingly hard day. Even my Supervisor said, "You have a lot of work to do today!", and she laughed. Ha ha ha, look at all the work you got in today, whoo doggie, you are so gonna be worn out.

Pull these pages apart, at the perforation please, arrange in the appropriate order, write at the top of the second form, but nowhere else on that form, and write on the first form information appearing on the second form, if information on the first form is not clear, and be sure to log each form received, and when they're compiled be sure to make copies, but only of some, not all, and then give the top forms to someone else to process, as I've not been trained, and why the fuck not?!, and then the party of the first part tells the party of the second part, and only claim yourself if you're single and live with two cats.

Jesus fucking Christ, it was intense. And all around were people goofing off on their Friday, "Hey, it's 11:00 a.m. and I'm through with my work, and it's FRIDAY, and hey, what are YOU doing this weekend?! Whee!" goofoffs.

What's wrong with you, how can you just stand there, stop leaning on that cubicle wall, don't you have WORK to do, why is it just me, why am I working my ass off doing the most tedious thing since having to file more than the most basic tax form and you are just standing around chatting???

"Do you need help?" Fuck no, fuck you, this is MY work, I can DO it. Leave me alone, just stop trying to talk to me, and everyone who keeps passing my cubicle just stop greeting me, I'm working, am I even LOOKING at you? No? No eye contact? Then don't talk to me, can't you SEE?

And then the logging of the other department's mail, the work we no longer process, the stuff from our old department, in volumes, a plethora, a fantasmagoria, an abundance, a horn o' plenty, and I don't know what I'm saying anymore, but it was stupid ridiculous. Mad crazy. Non stop, techno pop.


So, when she told me about that sound her cat makes before he throws up, and she did it perfectly, and I could hear Norman doing the same thing, the 'lip' smacking thing, the pre-vomitous warmup, I laughed and I laughed and I put my head down and could not believe we were on the same wavelength, just riding it, just hanging ten on this wavelength, and she wasn't nonplussed, she was just going with it, providing the entertainment along the way, it was magic.

Me too!!!! I do that too!!! My cat Norman does that too!!! Gladysn does that too!!!! Spooning!!!

I want to close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep, and dream dreams I'll remember all day long.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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