Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004 / 11:58 p.m.

~We Can Turn Back Time~

Oh no, I just realized I forgot to update the ol' diary! So, we'll pretend it's not really 12:13 a.m., and call it 11:58 p.m. As Cher wishes, we shall do it, we shall turn back time.

Ah, the power. That was so cool.

Now then, we shall begin by informing all those web searchers looking for info on the Bachelorette couple, that the entry they seek is the previous one. Click on 'previous' and you can read what I wrote about the big final rose ceremony thingie last night.

Whoo! I got bombarded by hits for that today. Fine, I guess, but whoo, and whew, and whoo doggie, and stuff. Hey, gotta invoke the Jed Clampett every now and then.

No, no one ever knows what I'm talking about. Oh, oh, oh, something happened at work this week that really comes to mind when I say that, but it's too late (remember what time it REALLY is?) to get into it. I have notes on what to write here, I really do. I'll do it later, on the weekend.

(Must make mental note to call guy back, the one I'm going to be friends with. Durr.)

So, I found something fun in Roadiepig's diary, a License Plate Generator, and I made a little license plate, enjoy:

I long to go back to New Mexico, and I used to think I wanted to live there, but now I'm not so sure.

Not much else going on, it's late, as I mentioned, I'm full, I've eaten way too much the past few days. I feel I'm about to burst.

And in more Bachelorette news, I did watch the special tonight, on tape, as I had to watch "Survivor" in its broadcast as well, and I grow so weary of it, truly I do. It's so rote, so boring now. Yawwwwwwwwn, another water challenge. Yawwwwwwwwn, another power play. Oh, but Ethan, damn, dude is HOT! My god. Oh my god.

Um, right.

Oh, hey, we had snow today. It happened last night apparently and was on the ground and the cars and stuff today. Stuff covered with snow. Fun. And I went to work, on time, thank you. And I left early, which was quite nice.

Just got my horoscope in the email, from, a cool web site, go check it out, and no, I won't wait, I'm going to bed, in just a bit, I promise. Tomorrow, er, today, is supposed to be grrreat. Unh huh.

Okay then, I'm struggling here. I'm stuffed, swollen, I feel I'm expanding in the mid section, did I mention? I made a license plate, do you like it? I do. And I'm supposed to get paid for leaving early today, without using vacation, so we shall see.

Work is so busy, so weird, there is so much to say about it, things are happening, and at least one other person besides moi feels the end is imminently near. Like right THERE near. She gives us two months. Managers seem to be scrambling daily, meetings galore.

I need new clothes. It's a huge weekend, Independent Spirit Awards, Oscars, movies, fun, fun, fun, more cooking. And did I mention the Asian dumpling soup I made last night? No? Ah well. I know all about it, and that's what matters. It was so good, I ate two bowls last night and a huge one today at lunch. Could this be the cause of the swell?

Babble, babble, babble, off to bed I go.

Go make a license plate, and then go make a church sign, and a funky Valentine candy. Check the links at the bottom of the license plate page to see what I mean. The Interweb is so much fun.

Tomorrow I'll try harder, promise.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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