Thursday, Apr. 18, 2002 / 1:32 p.m.

~"Do This, NOW!, Dammit"~

Anyone notice that last entry was "fuck"-free? I do believe it was.

All these things I have to do, fresh food in the fridge I have to eat, counting on getting some gas, putting in some oil and heading home, as always, for lunch, but nooooooo. Ah, the joys of owning a really, really old car - the driver's side window fell into the door. And it's not like it wasn't about to do just that, for maybe three years or more, but it's that it finally did.

"Jerry" gave me a ride home from his shop, in his pickup truck. I am trusting him completely. He has my car's key, and full access to my car, it's not locked, it can't be locked, the window is wide open.

So, I asked Jer if he could check on the oil leak, you know, while it's there, he says the estimate will be free, they work on Toyotas, sure, it'll run forever, he's telling me. Okay. Call me, I'll call you. Here I am, stuck, back at work, no food, unless I want vending crap. Well, I've been eating too much anyway, and I already ate a croissant.... I guess I'll be okay.

But you know this is kind of a monkeywrench, and is that one word or two?

Someone's just come into this room to read, so I feel self-conscious about my typing and I'll stop here. I hope Penelope will give me a ride back to Jerry's, I do. Maybe D., the Supervisor, will let me leave at 5:00?? Hmmmm......

Funny how life forces you to do things sometimes. One can only procrastinate for so long, then it's, "Hey, do this, NOW!, dammit"

Cost of the War in Iraq
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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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