Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 / 7:40 p.m.

~Goodbye, Dan~

There were two quotes actually, but most likely many more, as Bush has said the same thing over and over and over the past few months. But Dan had one quote right, that 'we don't need the UN Security Council's approval', and that is not a direct quote, despite the quotation marks. I just wanted to separate it and not make it my own, because it's not. The other quote, the one which stuck in my mind, or craw, as it were, was "When it comes to our security, we really don't need anyone's permission", and if I'm not mistaken that is a direct quote. I jumped out of bed to write it down last night (they replayed it on our local CBS affiliate's late news).

Still, I've officially given up on Dan Rather. Uncle Dan. Sorry, but you disappoint me, you and your CBS brethren. Having that actor fake an Arab accent to do the Hussein translations, and your bias in reporting the stories, have sent me off to NBC Nightly News, and Tom Brokaw. Despite his slur, he's been around the block, and as I watched tonight I felt no overwhelming bias emanating, just reporting, which is what I want. (And I can't get past Dan's horrible semi-new hairdo - give me back that wavy shock of hair any day)

I feel obligated to watch a 'major' network's evening news program so I can see what 'Middle America' is seeing. Then I get my most in depth news reports from the news wires online, and from various and sundry foreign online 'newspapers'. This serves me better. I really like the links offered on still, after all this time. They have editorials as well as news articles from various sources, about 99% very reputable. It's best to keep an open and questioning mind regardless of source, whether TV, major network, BBC, or online, CNN, or antiwar, unitedforpeace, votenowar,, etc., etc.

I've put myself on so many email lists my inbox is almost always overflowing. But I'm staying informed. This is the most involved in International and National Affairs I've I'ver felt, but it's time, I think.

I wish I lived closer to D.C. or NYC, but I don't, so I'm not sure how much protesting I'll be doing. Those bus trips kill me, and I can't see spending the money to fly. I need a private jet.....

I should feel really good right now, the prospect of four days off in a row looming, but I feel tired, and frustrated, and restless and bored, and like I need to get my act together and find a new job. This is not how I want to spend my time off, but I feel pressured. It's unexplainable, or inexplicable, and I'm not sure the difference.

Cats are snoozing, those ever popular 'cat naps', the one eye open kind of naps, the be ready for anything, but look like you're sleeping kind of naps, and I'm here trying to remember fun things to do online, besides the usual. This connection is so slow I'm limited, but this is where I want to be, not in front of a book or the TV.

Perhaps I'll see if I can access Moby's message boards. It's doubtful, but I've got to find something to entertain myself. I can't see sitting to watch the hockey game - maybe I'll run in every time they shout, "HE SCORES!", that's always fun.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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