Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 / 9:56 p.m.

~Sans Television, So Far~

This is rather amazing. I worked a full day, plus an hour of OT, keying, data entry, and my hand is still forming a claw from being online all those hours on Saturday - plus, I got a new tingle in my wrist, right up the ol' carpal tunnel, midway through the day... owwwwww - and I came home, cooked spaghetti, or cooked ground beef, added some onion and garlic and poured over a jar of organic tomato sauce, poured some of that over some fusilli, and I've been online since, managing volumes of email, responding like mad to a plethora of comments over at LiveJournal - I've joined several communities and am having a fun, faux social life there.

Point is? NO TV. I haven't turned it on. The fantasy was that I'd sit here for a bit, finish up and go read in bed, never turn the TV on, and I am SO far behind in my EWs, it's nothing approaching funny. The entertainment world is passing me by, laughing all the way. When, oh when, oh WHEN, am I going to sit and catch up? I can't read, people, not unless it's online, or the free weekly. I cannot read a book, I can do no obligatory, concentrative (that's not a word, but you know what I mean) reading, and I am on the October issues of EW. OCTOBER!

Ay yi yi.

Um, yeah, so Kukla was back from her vacation, and we talked a bit. She was overwhelmed last week, just as I was, and she shut down, she said so, it's what she does, it's how she operates. I should know, she's an Aquarius, and so was my Pop, and he was the same way. I shout it out, I get it out, I have to let it OUT.

But we're all different, and I do appreciate her coming clean with me, telling me her resume is together, and she is actively seeking something else.

After our morning chat, once the work arrived, we were quiet, we keyed, I listened to CDs in my CD ROM drive, and I tried to use my fingers in the best way possible, trying not to cause any more pain. They were cold too, so this was difficult.

After lunch I discovered someone stole my Kucinich sticker off my car's bumper, and this sucked majorly, I was way freaked out, obsessed over it really, in my mind, as I keyed and keyed and keyed.

I'll get another, but I still don't know when it happened, whether it was at home or at work this morning, nor who did it. At least that's all that happened. Still, I felt violated.

I find I'm very exhausted at this point, and I'm craving some TV to relax me, to take me away. It's a peculiar thing, to be able only to read online or watch TV, lately, there's so very little in between.

The ground beef smelled so good as it was cooking - I hadn't cooked meat in a while, except for some bacon, and that steak a few weeks ago. It was still partially frozen, so I had to let it cook a while, and I started with olive oil. Amazing scent. Not like seared flesh, but like really good meat. I'm so NOT a vegetarian.

Natural beef from the Whole Foods/Farmers Market, good stuff. I keep meaning to buy some buffalo... soon.

Anything else? Norman threw up tonight, but she does that, and Glad tried to eat it. It was food just eaten. That's gross, dude, gross.

We're nothing but fun around here.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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