Sunday, Jan. 05, 2003 / 8:58 p.m.

~It's Airborne - And a Word From Moby~

And let's go to commercial! Yikes. I'm watching "Outbreak", and the dialogue is hokey, sure, and the music sucks (I hate big Hollywood movie incidental music, i.e. scores), but it's got Dustin Hoffman (love him) and Renee Russo (eye candy), and it's fun! In an oh my god that is so disgusting sort of way.

I love this stuff, viruses mutating, spreading, etc., etc. The evil military in charge of covering it up. Good, good stuff.

Not much else to report. I ordered some things from today, and I'm excited, but I have to wait a bit because one of the 'things' is the VHS of "Amelie" which is not out yet. Everything will ship together, but not for another three weeks. Sucks, but when I get it all I'll be happy. Just some stuff, you know, stuff.

For now, I'm going to paste Moby's journal entry from today, just because he makes so much sense, and he is so gentle in his manner, the way he says things. I'm too gruff, too blunt, too scattered, but he puts what I want to say in much better form (maybe it's because he types in lower case?):

"Troubled Times
1/5/2003 - New York City

it goes without saying that i, like most sane people, find iraq's actions over the last 20 years to be pretty reprehensible.
using chemical and biological weapons on iranians and kurds and sunni's (is it sunni's? or shiites? i forget, oops). burning the oil fields in kuwait. attacking israel with scuds. and so on.
but i'm actually kind of impressed by iraq's patience right now...
i mean, look at it objectively. they've opened their doors to un inspectors, they're being bombed by british and american troops, american forces are massing at their borders, american diplomats are actively looking to assinate saddam hussein, etc.
it almost seems like bush is doing everything he can to taunt saddam hussein. not just 'if you step over this line i will hit you', but 'if you step over this line while i put rats on your back and put butter on the floor and make fun of your mom and move the line then i will hit you, in fact i'll hit you even if you just stand there and do nothing.'
it's painfully clear that iraq should not be allowed to have weapons of mass destruction. but it also seems painfully clear that the bush administration have no intention of finding a peaceful resolution to the situation in iraq.
which is a shame. cos at the end of the day peace is better than war, right? or have things changed? according to the bush administration and the american media it would seem that most americans prefer war to peace. i'm guessing that's because most americans have never actually experienced war. and just as it's easy to eat meat if you never step foot in a slaughterhouse, it's easy to espouse the virtues of war if you've never actually experienced war firsthand.
it's a sign of dark and troubled times when a powerful nations leaders do their best to keep people away from the high road.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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