Monday, Dec. 16, 2002 / 8:08 p.m.

~It Works For Me~

First of all, who said Echinacea is a cure for colds? It's an immune system booster. Its use is to promote a healthy immune system, so that one might be more able to fight off an invading virus. Take it when you just begin to feel logy and like you might be coming down with something. Chances are you won't get it, whatever 'it' is.

But this new report saying that college students who participated in a recent study noticed no difference between Echinacea and a placebo in ridding their cold symptoms, well, yeah, duh, the 'common cold' is incurable, Echinacea is not going to make your cold go away, it's not even reputed to alleviate symptoms, take some Tylenol or Dayquil or Nyquil or something to relieve symptoms.

I take Echinacea, regularly, and a gram of C, daily, E, 400 IU, and Calcium with D and minerals, and B complex, 50 MG, and a multivitamin, because my diet sucks. I've had one cold in two years. I don't know, but I think that's a pretty good track record. One might not attribute the resistance to the Echinacea, but I do. I know when I stop taking it I become more susceptible.

To each his own, but I've got to stop watching the CBS Evening News. I used to really like Dan Rather, but lately I can't stand any mainstream news at all. I can't stand TV news at all. I just don't want to hear it. I read the reports off Reuters and the AP wires, online, and some links from, stories from the NYT, Washington Post, BBC online, etc., that people send me, but sitting down to watch the crap on TV.... I realize the sources I just quoted are mainstream, so I don't know what I'm talking about really. I mean I can't stand the TV abbreviated versions of the top stories.

And the Echinacea story is plastered online too. I just think it's debunking a myth that never existed. So I'm pissed.

I also feel really crappy. My stomach is torn up and I have no idea why. Maybe it's a result of the crazy weekend.

Here is my horoscope for today, not from Cainer, but on Yahoo:

"Emotional matters may interfere with communications with others today, dear Aries. You could be too exhausted physically to be focused mentally. You might choose to avoid deep conversations and concentrate on resting, relaxing, and reading. Even though you aren't your usual articulate self, ideas, perhaps metaphysical or spiritual in nature, are likely to flood into your mind, and you could find yourself a little more contemplative than usual. Enjoy your day."

Resting, relaxing and reading????? Whoa. I know it's only coincidence, but that's what I did all day. No shit. At work I sat and read an old Entertainment Weekly, trying to catch up on my 'scrip, and a bit of an issue of Adbusters. I hardly talked to anyone, even on the phone. I processed paperwork, I talked if I had to, but mostly I was silent, I read, I listened to music. It was very relaxing and nice after my recent social activities.

And I thought a lot about Sandy, how he is all wrong for me. I know I'm going up and down about him, but with valid reasons. There is more about him that I don't like than I do. I did have a good time with him Saturday night, but in the long run I just don't feel right with him. Too much is missing. This doesn't mean I won't see him, won't hang out with him again, see more movies, or go to more dinners, but we won't be more than friends, I know that. I'm saying it a lot, but it's because I'm thinking it a lot.

I don't feel good about him, and the more I think about him the less good I feel. I won't even elaborate right here and now, but in my head I've been all through it. It's funny too, one of the main things is he seems so OLD. I know my own age, but I feel like a kid compared to him.

The New York Film Critics named "Far From Heaven" the best picture of the year. (how's that for changing the subject?) I'm re-thinking saying that Dennis Quaid was miscast. I think I just really didn't like his character, so maybe I didn't like him, the actor, but assuming he was acting his part really well, it's not him at all, but the character. He's not a nice guy. But then again, he's simply out of control. I guess I just don't see Dennis Quaid in 1958.

And I've got to see if they said "friggin'" in 1958. I kept thinking about it after I heard it in the film, thinking everything else was so perfect (EW said it's an almost 'fetishistic' tribute to the films of the '50s, and I agree), it caught my attention. I must consult my slang dictionary.....

I'm going to try to watch "No Man's Land" at 9:00, but I can see me falling asleep. Gladys is dying to sit on my lap, Norman too. It's hard to appease two affectionate cats.

I feel like I had more to say, but then again I'm having a hard time being coherent, writing anything more than a series of choppy sentences about nothing at all really. The above horoscope says I'm not my usual articulate self. It's true.

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