Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002 / 4:21 p.m.

~More About the Stones~

It's the day after, and appropriately I slept through most of it. I've gotten up and played "Let It Bleed" again, and side two of "High Tides and Green Grass", mostly so I could hear "Play With Fire". I'm drinking Green Tea With Jasmine, honey added, and I'm answering emails, writing some, and I just got to the coverage on last night's show. Here's a link to the story in today's Atlanta Journal Constitution. Decent article. I think I like this line best: "...the Stones approached the Atlanta stop of their first tour in three years with the vigor of unproven newcomers, a performance made better by a clarity you wouldn't expect in this venue."

Yes, I'm still thinking about the show. I dreamed I saw Mick and Keith backstage afterward. Mick was sitting off by himself, appearing to want to be alone, so I left him alone, but Keith was on the end of a long bench and I went up to tell him how good he was. His eyes were really blue (in reality I don't think they are), and he wasn't all wrinkled and gray. I told him it's unusual to find the music so dead on in a live show. Usually the music suffers a bit with all the theatrics of a stage performance, but not this time, and he was really appreciative of my comments.

I think I dreamed a lot more, but right now it's all gone.

I don't have much else to say right now, just read what I wrote late last night if you want to know more. It's only 5 pages....

Here's a photo from the AJC's photo spread on the show last night:

Mick, 10-26-02

Oh, the Demonstration/March in D.C. seemed to be very successful yesterday. I watched the speeches on C-SPAN, Jesse Jackson, Ramsey Clark, Cynthia McKinney, etc. The weather looked beautiful, sunny, blue skies, and the quoted turnout was over 150,000. I hear people took to the streets to oppose the war on Iraq in other countries too, Germany, Italy, France, Australia. I wish I could've gone, but I had to do the Stones thing. No regrets. I was there in spirit.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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