Saturday, May. 31, 2003 / 10:33 a.m.

~Not Getting Tattooed Today~

In all that email, you'd think there would be something that's actually written to me, something that is actually not SPAM. You'd think. Fucking SPAM.

The original predicted high for today was 87 degrees, and I remember seeing that and thinking, "Oh god, no, that's too hot, not yet, please, no, no", or something like that. But then they lowered it, back down to a manageable 81 or so. Gladys is outside in the sun on the porch now, grooming, the fan has been on, in the window, for days now, but I feel the difference, the humidity has increased, and I don't need to see numbers, I can feel it. It's going to be hot today. Maybe hot enough to turn the a/c back on, such as it is.

So, it's early, for me, for me on a Saturday, and I called Q, and she's not going to go to the Convention, so I don't have to go, so I don't have to shave my legs if I don't want, and I didn't want another tattoo anyway, not now, and this is great. I'm up, I have no set plans, it's just as I like it.

Well, set plans to cook and eat food, those I do have. My stomach is still swollen (like that woman on the commercial who says that her metabolism slowed in her 30s, mine came to a stop when I hit 42) from last night's near pound of asparagus sauteed with shiitakes and garlic. Really good, but this is the hazard of living alone and liking to shop and cook. Too much food. Hence overeating, hence swollen stomach/abdomen/belly, hence waiting for metabolism to kick in.

Q started to talk about work on the phone just now. It sounded so strange. The Manager (M) will be out on Monday, and so will Penelope, and we thusly have 'assigned duties', whatever those might be. We're down from 8 to maybe four. I should've won the lottery last night. I really felt it was my time to win. I bought five tickets, and I did win $1, but still. Dammit.

Speaking of money, my cashier yesterday didn't charge me for one of my bottles of wine. I checked the receipt as I always do, discovered she charged me $3 for my bunch of green onions - "9 @ 3/$1.00 = $3.00" - why she rang them up like that I have no clue. Is the one key next to the nine key? I think not. So when I saw that I felt not as bad about the free bottle of wine. I think it was a $9 bottle. I don't like to spend a lot on wine - comes from my time in Europe when I saw that wine is about $2 a bottle, for the good stuff. Of course that was years ago, and of course I'm rambling. And of course I haven't even had one sip of my coffee yet.

I'm mostly just feeling the increased humidity and worrying that it's going to be really hot, and that the shopping I want to do will be mostly arduous due to intense heat in my car, getting in it, sitting in it, getting out of it.

But I did go to the movies last night, saw "Finding Nemo" and it was really good, really clever, amazingly well executed, must've taken years to produce (check end credits for list of "Production Babies"!), was funny, sad, suspenseful, and completely engaged me throughout most of it. I recommend highly. One little girl walked out saying, "It had sad parts, and it had funny parts.....", I think she gave it two thumbs up.

Of course, as with any good 'children's' animated feature, it had inside jokes for adults, but no one laughed at the *SPOILER*Club Wannahockaloogie joke, but me. Maybe it's because I'm so fond of saying "I wanna hock a loogie" in general. Good, good movie. Scary stuff too, stuff I worry about little kids seeing, big scary sharks with way too many teeth, but it turns out okay, all of it. It IS rated G, after all.

Today? I need vitamins, I must shop for them, or die without. And I wouldn't mind seeing another movie. And there was all that cleaning I wanted to do, my bedroom, and my big closet, and the photo albums I wanted to deal with, and stuff. Just stuff.

Guess I'll delete my SPAM and get on with it then. Tattoos will wait, as will ogling tattooed boys (although, I was behind a guy at Publix last night after the movie, in line to pay for my 2.5 gallon jug of water, and he had great tattoos on the backs of his legs, really nicely done, interesting tattoos).

Cost of the War in Iraq
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