Thursday, Sept. 04, 2003 / 10:41 p.m.

~A Tangential Ramble to Match the Best~

Hi. (for the record, I don't think I have EVER started a Diaryland diary entry like that) Thanks for the nice guestbook comments, and the note, which was a duplicate of a guestbook comment, because you, Emily (I can call you Emily, right? I mean you call yourself Emily, it's okay, right? Egad, don't ever use my name, I mean, anything other than Joleen, you know, right? Right? Am I stupid right now? Right.), have had the problems in the recent past, and a note/guestbook double entry is better than none! Really, I love when people leave me notes, or guestbook comments, or send email, really, as long as it's nice and they're not telling me I'm a loser, or that I suck, or you know, other smack. So, thanks!! Yay! Which used to be spelled like this: Yea! As in, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (?), I shall fear no evil, 'cause I am one bad motherfucker!". And "yeah" was always "yeah", but somewhere along the way, "Yea" became "Yay!", and I go along with it, even though I'm a certified grammar bitch, in the diaryring and everything, because I don't want to confuse anyone.

But (aside from truly enjoying starting sentences, and more especially paragraphs, with conjunctions, as in 'conjunction junction, what's your function?', do I have this right?), now you've heard my voice! Whee!!! Click back one entry if you don't believe me.

It briefly occurred to me that those MP3s could be 'shared' on KaZaA, or broken up into peculiar sound bytes and manipulated and distorted, and god knows, but who in hell would go to that much trouble?

And why, oh why, does it really, really seem like people are scouring my diary to find key search words to put in search engines to come back to my diary? Please. One of the searches was blank, and how did that lead to this diary? I beg of you, wha? 'T' removed on purpose.

Next topic:

I did what I like to call a "Wal Mart run" after work, and I spent a cool $96 on good stuff. But I noticed I was overcharged one dollar on the men's 'sleep pants', and why do I sometimes use quotation marks: ", and sometimes just a single: '? And what is the single called, other than an apostrophe? But when there are two, and they enclose a word or phrase, thusly, 'what is my problem'? ' "

Yes, yes, soft 'men's sleep pants', to lounge in, not to sleep in, I don't like to wear long pants in bed, they get all tangled up. I really like to sleep naked from the waist down, but with a shirt on top. Well, obviously I'd wear a shirt on top, not on the bottom. Duh.

I am tired, thanks for asking. Can you tell? I think I wanted to push that previous entry back a notch, I was a bit trepidatious (no, it's not a word, you're right, I just looked it up, it's 'trepid') about leaving those links in plain view. They're still there, so what, but they're pushed back, and they shall remain pushed.

Oh right, as I was saying, so I peruse the Wal Mart sale circular, as they call it, regularly, as it arrives in my mailbox, and I tend to look at almost all my junk mail, except for tonight when I added my junk mail to the trashcan next to the mailboxes, and saw all the other junk mail therein, and thought of all the trees that could've been spared, but not really, that didn't occur to me until just now, but it should have. And, I took the sale circular to work and studied it, and compared it to K Mart, and decided to buy stuff, as I needed to go for my sundries anyway, today, last chance, I needed 'stuff', and I can't boycott that place, no matter what I read, about them selling the wrong pickles, or not advancing their female employees, or whatever, mainly because Drug Emporium seems to have gone out of business and that was my sundries store previously.

Good god, long story here, I need to go to bed.

I bought a new phone, and mainly because, this is silly, and he should be flattered, but because of the last few conversations I had with Nelson, as they went on a long time and my phone always beeps, it won't hold a charge anymore. It is really old after all, well, in phone years. And so, I now have a new cordless, my second ever, and I'll keep the other, as it has an answering machine in the base. I like phones, but I don't talk on them, not at home. I just like to have them (I now own about five), and all the services applied. But, this is weird too, I won't own a cell phone, I hate them, and as I've been mentioning all my diaryrings lately, yes, I own and operate the 'celphonessuk' diaryring too! Join now!

My point? Oh, it was only $19.96, or $20, on sale, a GE thing, with a blue face on the top part, next to the caller ID part, and yeah, caller ID in the phone! Who knew? I mean, who knew it would be affordable one day, and I wouldn't need the THREE caller ID units I already purchased over the years, including the last one, the purple one, for the bedroom. Durrrr.

It's charging now, and when it's ready, I'm calling Nelson, first thing. He'll be so suprised to hear from me. I'm sure he thinks I'm gone. I do that. I go. But I come back. Not to worry.

And, a new 8 inch saute pan, non stick of course. Oh no, is that one word? I'm too tired. Nonstick. It's nice, a Wearever. Not too expensive, cheaper than the most expensive 8 inch they had, but nicer. Like $13, I think (decent cookware need not cost an arm and one leg - look for well made pans, heavy aluminum is best, with well attached, i.e. bolted handles).

Oh, and one of those Rubbermaid snap boxes to put my mom's letters and photos in, instead of the Blue Nun wine box. (Googlers unite!) But, I worry, as I am wont to do, as it's not archival, not at all, not that the cardboard box is, but I worry. Some plastics are horrible to use for photo storage, and for paper too. This is a potential disaster, but only 20 years or so down the line, some proberbial line anyway.

I know all of this because of some catalog I got in the mail years ago, and no doubt saved, that was filled with archival storage solutions. Solutions. I could think of no better word than 'stuff'. So, right, and it's all for photos, and mementos, and stuff, and the accompanying text descriptions talk all about how important it is, and blah, blah, and it made me worry, at the time, about how I store my stuff.

And I had these slides that got this weird stuff on them, like liquid, but not, and it was the type of plastic used in the sleeves that housed them. They're semi-ruined. Unh huh. See what I'm saying?

(Gladys is lying on the new box)

This entry will now come to an abrupt end, as I cannot type anymore, I must hit some proverbial hay.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

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As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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