Thursday, Feb. 07, 2002 / 11:21 p.m.

~Tempt Me~

Here's something I haven't done yet, here in Diaryland....this is something I wrote for another web site, maybe a year ago? Yes, almost one year ago. It's about the first "Temptation Island", which took place in Belize. Tonight's "Temptation Island 2" was good, as always, and in a way I envy these people for their experience, not the cameras, not the TV aspect, but the chance to find that other fish swimming in the vast sea that is "us", to realize that settling is only that, that one must respect one's self, know that one is worthy of the best there is, and to have that, the best, chosen for you, right there. Right there! And, of course, the finale is in 2 parts! Of course! Fuck. Here it is, what I wrote last year. It's experimental, sort of free verse, sort of spoken word stuff, it sounds best when I read it aloud, but you'll have to imagine that........

I want to be a beautiful twentysomething, with rock-hard abs and perfect skin, energy to burn.

I want to look good in a bikini and be an object of desire.

I want to have a boyfriend who is a beautiful twentysomething, with rock-hard abs and perfect skin, energy to burn.

I want us to go to Belize, for two weeks, to be tempted, just to be on TV, and see if we have what it takes, to last as a couple.

I want to have men parade in front of me, tempting me, wanting me to want them, wanting me to choose them.

I want to stay at a resort, in Belize, with three other beautiful twentysomethings, with rock-hard abs and perfect skin, energy to burn.

I want to talk to the other three beautiful women about our beautiful lives and our beautiful boyfriends, and will we be faithful or will we choose someone new.

I want to go on dates, in Belize, scuba dive, stand in waterfalls, hike through jungles, float in inner tubes floating in rivers which flow through caves, lights on helmets just to see.

I want beautiful twentysomethings, with rock-hard abs and perfect skin, energy to burn, to stand in front of me, wanting me, wanting to scuba dive with me, or make me lick watermelon off their nipples, or float on inner tubes through caves with flowing rivers, underground rivers, lights on our heads, just to see.

I want a beautiful man to tempt me into leaving my beautiful boyfriend, to tempt me, on TV, into being beautiful with him, to tempt me into making love with him instead of my beautiful boyfriend.

I want to lie on a hammock, look down at my rock-hard abs and my perfect skin, feel energy to burn, while I lie there, wondering how much it will hurt, or wonder if it will hurt at all, when I cheat on my beautiful boyfriend.

I want the world to wonder if I will have sex with the beautiful man I choose for my final romantic date on the beautiful island of temptation, Belize.

I want to leave my beautiful boyfriend so I can have a new beautiful boyfriend, a new and improved boyfriend. I want to be tempted into something new.

*But, will there be a "Temptation Island II"?*

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