Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003 / 6:29 p.m.

~Finding Myself With Not Much Left to Say After My Little Rant~

I tried to update in IE just now, but it was way too weird. The box is smaller, and, well, I'm just a Netscape snob, that is all.

Re: my near death experience yesterday, I love the coincidence that is the horoscope read in hindsight, the one eerily prescient, but after the fact. This, from the dearly departed Sydney Omarr: "The focus is on uncertainty about a change of itinerary." Yes, Sydney, yes. How did you know?

Today held no such surprises.

Last night I watched Jun and Alison shave their feet on the "Big Brother 4" live feed. Their dialogue was peppered with far too many shouted 'shit's and 'fuck's, in all the wrong places, to be at all interesting. I need to cancel tomorrow. The live feed, that is. Tonight we find out who wins. And we get to see the new contestants on the new "The Bachelor". Both at the same time, so therefore, we of the TiVo-less households shall utilize our VCRs, we of the 'realityTV' diaryring. Shout out! Tape it, brothers and sisters. Which to watch? "BB4", of course. Never tape a finale. Just to be safe.

So here's my beef of the day... Remember when the overweight were ridiculed? They weren't called overweight then, they were called 'fat', and maybe Dave Letterman still refers to them that way, as he is not exactly 'politically correct'. But really, 'political correctness' was a bad thing, overall, still is, the whole idea of it, being courteous, saying other than what you really mean, when we all know what you REALLY mean. What is the point? Did that all happen around the same time as that silly book about practicing random acts of kindness? Whatever.

Thing is this, now it seems de rigueur for fat people to refer to anyone of appropriate body weight, or perhaps a little thin, hence underweight, as 'anorexic', women anyway. What is up with that? If a woman is thin, does this automatically indicate, to the overweight especially, that she suffers an eating disorder? That she runs to the nearest toilet to regurgitate her meal after eating it?

Can you see me? Have you ever? I am thin. You would call me anorexic, because you're stupid. Thin does not equal anorexic.

And because a woman is a successful actress, perhaps making a lot of money, with handlers, and agents, and trainers, etc., and she works out and eats light, and you resent and envy her, does not mean she is anorexic.

Is this understood?

And why is it okay for black comedians to make fun of white people, as in it's all good fun, and aren't white people silly?, and isn't it funny when a black guy imitates a white guy?, but if a white comedian stood up and made fun of black people and their butchering of the English language, or their love of fried chicken, or their laziness, or any other stereotype, however true, he would be booed off the stage and labeled a racist pig?

Double standards.

Might as well have a big fat black woman comedian up on stage making fun of white women who are thin, calling them all anorexic, and making fun of their success, and the way they speak proper English. Oh, that's actually been done, hasn't it? And people have laughed, haven't they?

I'm sick of hypocritical white people, and racist black people, and fat people who call thin women anorexic, and thin women who refer to fatties as unfortunately overweight, or worse, PLUS SIZE! Why don't we just say what we really mean, or all of us be nice at the same time? Now there's a concept.

No, I'm not anorexic. I don't even exercise, and I haven't thrown up in years, much less would I ever cause myself to throw up, ON PURPOSE. Are you fucking insane?! I'm thin because of my metabolism and my genetic makeup.

Helen Hunt and Jennifer Aniston are proper body weight. Now, Lara Flynn Boyle is thin, and she looks too thin. I agree. And we all witnessed Calista Flockhart lose weight with the success of her old show, that Ally whatever show. Poor thing. Good god, was she razzed or what? She was torn up. I would've hated to be her, with everyone in the entire country calling her anorexic. That's just hurtful.

I can be a bitch, I know, but I'm not so hateful that I tear people down like that, you know? Some people just spew forth their anger and hatred, have nothing nice to say, ever, and they rip up total strangers for their physical appearances, or analyze their characters with the sole purpose of degradation, and why? Does this make them feel better?

Yeah, that's my rant. Let's lay off the anorexic crap, shall we? And I won't call you a fat pig. Shake on it? Good.

Um, well, anything else? Actually, no, I don't think so.

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