Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004 / 2:41 p.m.

~The Friendlist Drive-Thru In the World~

The people who run the Blimpie restaurant near my house have a great technique they use at the Drive-Thru Window, goes a little something like this:

"HEY!!! How ARE you?! Where you been? You been okay? I seen you! Where you been? How ARE you?", and etc.

The first time I pulled up and saw a different Indian man than the one I'm used to, and heard him say all that, I was surprised. He wasn't the same guy, I had never seen him before. It was damned disconcerting, but I went with it. "Fine, great, I've been around, I've come here recently, haven't I?"

Today I even got a "How are YOU?!" at the damned speaker, not even face to face yet. I drove up and said, "This is the friendliest drive-thru, you know that?", to which he replied, "Aw, thank you, dear".

I think Indians, Pakistanis, Mexicans, Brazilians, and Iranians should run all our franchised restaurants, makes it more interesting. But wait, no Mexicans do yet, why do they only get the shit jobs?

I am an observer. That is all.

I'm thinking I need to go on a culinary tour of my own little five mile radius. Brazilian restaurants on nearly every corner, old Southern Barbecue, Indian Vegetarian, and not so good Thai I have indeed ventured to try.

A little melting pot here in the northern suburbs, the 'hood, Little Brazil, no, little India, no, wait, it defies description. Give it ten more years and there will be no more caucasians, on account of you know how 'they' are, but it will be all previously 'foreign' faces, different shades of color, accents, languages from around the world spoken loudly and freely.

Eating makes my internal temp rise. Now I must go back out into the near 100 degree heat, heat index way high, smog so bad one should not inhale without mask, without ventilator, oxygen at the ready.

And I'm thinking all my vicious cycles of inactivity and postponement will come to an end when summer blows past us and autumn sets the leaves to falling.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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