Saturday, Jul. 31, 2004 / 6:58 p.m.

~Freak Magnet~

(Yes, yes, this is indeed another cross-post - it's hard to write in so many different online journals/blogs)

Look, I'm not that ugly, I'm not that bad a writer, my Friendster profile is pretty good, not bad at all we might say, but why is it THIS is the kind of message men send to me?:

how are u doing ? i wish we can be friends , i like
ur profil so much
take care

Help! Every time I get some random message I think this could be good, this could be something that could lead to something, or at the very least I could find someone who wants to go out and do the things I want to do, a companion, a confidante, a real 'friend', and we could talk and laugh and have some fun. He doesn't have to be the love of my life, and with my cynical outlook lately I don't think there is a love of my life, but he just has to be able to spell.

Actually, he has to be clean and have nice teeth too, no halitosis, and he has to listen as much as he talks, and he has to be culturally literate, and intelligent, he has to know more than I know, and he has to be spontaneous and fun, and compassionate, and oh, forget it.

Oh Friendster? Who are we kidding? I honestly wanted to make 'friends' on there. I've met two total freaks on Friendster, 'the painter' who fell in love with me and was jealous of my meanderings with 'the boy', and was so ugly I couldn't stand the thought of kissing him (I know, that makes me sound horrible, but have you seen him?), and the musician with the fabulous house I fell in love with, the house, not him, the guy who was way too flaky for me, hot, cold, hot, cold, couldn't keep in touch. What did he want from me? Fucking Scorpios.

I got SO much sleep today. Yes, not 'last night', I didn't sleep 'last night', I went to bed around 3:45 and got up at 5:45. I did turn on C-SPAN at 10:00 a.m., but the Convention speeches they showed were the ones I'd seen, and I wanted to see Kucinich again, but they didn't show him. So I slept to the sounds of Democratic Idealistic Rhetoric and Propaganda. Fun times.

And Gladys and I spooned, always a good time there. Now, 6:48 p.m., I'm drinking my morning coffee after having fed and maintained the felines, who, by the way, are EXTREMELY high maintenance right now. And we haven't even begun the fluids thing. Later, please.

But, I was thinking, prior to logging on, I just really wish I had a group of friends, people who like to go out and be crazy and have fun, no one in the group who says, "No, I don't want to go there", or "I'm tired, it's late", or "My feet hurt". I want to know people who like to do things they're not supposed to do, who like to try restaurants wherein no one on the staff speaks English, you know? I want to have fun.

I think that's why I gravitate towards the twentysomethings, because they haven't yet reached 'fuddy duddy' status. But they think I'm 'too old'.

Guess I'll meld with the futon sofa and watch TV all night. "Big Brother" is on in a bit after all.


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