Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 / 8:10 p.m.

~A Not So Clever Republican Disguise, and Incoherency~

I'm all of a sudden really tired, reading some of The Onion, and realizing if I don't write something here now I'll definitely forget.

I was so torn about Mars last night, wanting to see, wanting to go out and see, because I couldn't see from inside, obviously, but I didn't know where to go and had no one to go with, and well, I even woke up around 4:00something, and that would've been a really good time, I think, or just before I went to bed, but unlike the time I went to see the Lenoid Meteor Showers by myself, I couldn't make myself go out and do it. I felt, well, torn, no other good word for it. Sort of like I was missing something big, and I knew it, but I couldn't see a logical way around it.

So I looked at pictures of people looking into telescopes, and pictures of Mars, on Yahoo! this morning at work.

Speaking of logic though, I sent a letter to my Congressman again, and someone needs to slap me the next time I even consider it because the guy is the most closed minded person I've ever encountered, and it's fruitless, pointless, futile, a waste of time, not that I write the letters, the ACLU does, or NARAL, etc., but still. So, this time he responds via email, telling me that just because an upcoming bill would criminalize the killing of an unborn child, i.e. fetus, a woman's right to choose is not in jeopardy. As in, killing a fetus intentionally would be a criminal act, as in murder, but abortion wouldn't. WHAT? This is a disguise for reversing Roe v Wade and it couldn't be more obvious, so when NARAL asked me to click and send a letter, I did.

I'm an idiot. I wrote back to the guy, my state representative, but his email address is not a valid email address. Yeah. No one by that name at that address. Okay. Great. And he always says, "If you have any future concerns regarding this issue or others, please do not hesitate to contact me again." But I do!!! I do have concerns! My concern is that your double talk is going to injure you one day. You will trip over your own tongue, or something. I'm really pissed because I wrote a good reply.

I can't even think of a good analogy, but maybe it's like saying that it's going to be illegal to kill a dog, but people can still kill dogs if they want. Well how can they kill dogs if it's now illegal? No, see, bad analogy. The best is not an analogy at all, it's the truth. Bush, et al, want to pass this bill that will label a fetus a human being. An embryo will have rights afforded. Is this good? Not in the context of the bill. It proposes that someone killing an embryo would be committing murder. Therefore, how can they (Republicans and Abortion Foes) say that abortion would still be legal? Impossible. Double talk.

Really, since I'm inarticulate right now, Click Here to Read About the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. Thank you.

But, no point contacting your state reps if you know they're staunch Republicans. It's their idea, they will not be swayed.

Other news? I pigged out on Southern food after work. Country fried steak with gravy (white gravy), fried okra, mashed potatoes and gravy (more white gravy), cornbread with melted butter, and fried green tomatoes with a tangy ranch dressing. Oh. My. God. I'm so stuffed.

No, I didn't cook any of it, it was takeout, a fulfillment of a craving, which I love.

No big Mars news. Other than not even stepping out to see it, because there was no place to 'step out'. Nothing astrological. Nothing significant. Nothing new at work. Several people I cannot even bare to look in the eye, and I told Q this today. "I can't be nice to someone I have a problem with, I can't be two faced, that's not who I am. If I don't like you, if I detest you, I'm not going to be nice to you, then talk smack behind your back", after she told me she was all smiles and laughs with the Computer Dude, the one who is NOT bringing her a new PC. And she is the one person who always needed one. She is two faced, she talks the smack, she is sweet to the faces of her enemies. No, I can't do that.

I can't look at mine. I have to keep them enemies, I can't give in, I have to remind myself to hate.

I told Q how I was forbidden to use that word growing up, "hate". My mom taught me to say "I dislike intensely", or simply "I dislike", or "I don't care for", but I have anger inside, and it's justified, and it manifests in hatred. And wishing ill upon. It's not pretty, and I wonder if I'd even want to be a 'turn the other cheek' kind of gal. I don't think so. I don't want to be 'eye for an eye' either. But I have to hate people who shit on me, at least for a while.

I should've gotten some sweet tea to cut through all the grease. I considered some Merlot, but instead I have water.

"BB4" eviction in less than half an hour, and I keep forgetting to watch the Houseguests on RealPlayer. I'm paying for it now, no more free trial, and I forget to watch it.

Any other thoughts I have are scattered, all over the place, lots of politics, antiwar, pro choice, protests, work, grudges, cat health, my health, job search, TV, food, random thoughts, plans, ideas. But nothing too coherent.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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