Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 / 9:31 p.m.

~On TV, and the New Moon~

"CSI" has the grooviest background music. I mean it, it's this whole "Ooooh, collecting evidence is, like, so cooooooooool" sort of music. I think they should produce a soundtrack.

But really, I no longer want to see crime scenes, real or imagined. I haven't watched in months, or longer, but tonight it's on, and clearly I've left the room. In fact, I no longer watch TV. It's an odd transformation, and it's no doubt seasonal.

When "Amazing Race" starts again next week, I'm sure I'll be glued. Two hour season premiere and every Tuesday thereafter.

Amend all of this to say that I have been watching the syndicated episodes of "Sex and the City", as I wasn't interested the first time around, and I don't mind the dubbing over all the 'fuck's and 'shit's, and the lack of bare breasts, but I do mind the lead, one SJP, and I'm shocked, now that I know this character, and this portrayal, that she won so goddamned many awards for what she did. Blech.

Good show though, good, good show. Okay, the amended entry goes like this, I don't watch much TV, anymore. I don't like to add new shows, because I'd rather not seek replacements, and the old shows have lost their lustre (looks better British spelling), hence no more "ER" for me, and I forget to watch. I'm no longer any good at 'appointment TV'. I forget my appointments.

So it is, "Gilmore Girls" often plays without me while I'm in here responding to email, and "Sex and the City" is the only show I really watch, along with "Survivor", which I wish would call it a day and go home, but since it's there, and the 'cast' is fresh each time, well, I tune in.

I'm especially digging the estrogen. I have never really bonded with women, so it's interesting to watch these women do it, and under these artificial circumstances, and Jeff Probst is still hot.

And, speaking of hot, Anthony Bourdain will be here in town next week, signing his new book, making a few appearances, the whole shebang, and I found out just in time. If someone hadn't recently written about attending a booksigning, and I hadn't read it, online, I wouldn't have thought to check his itinerary, or, I might have, but not in just the nick of time. And, this person who wrote claims he's divorced now. Could it be? Mraow!

Like I'm going to hit on Tony Bourdain, my food hero. Pshaw.

Let's just say this, I'll go, I'll buy his new book, and we'll go from there. I met him once already... remember? Oh yeah, it's all here, right here. I swooned, I fawned, I gushed, positively gushed. For days after. He is almost the perfect man. Cut out the smoking and there you have it. But then again, smoking is a large part of who he is. But then again, anyone can quit.

And with enough mouthwash, well, I'd kiss him.

Yes, yes, yes, I miss kissing, it's true. I'm missing men right about now, but I'll get over it. There are plenty of them around, and though there has been one for whom I've pined for way too many days now, that is going nowhere and I must accept that.

My online astrologer (sure, I do have one), tells me I need to lay my cards out on the table, and be honest about what it is I want, but really there is no one listening, so what difference would that make? Or, should I say that the right one is not listening, and there is no way to reach him to tell him. If he'd listen to me I'd spell it all out, but this is not a possibility.

Alas. Tomorrow is Friday, and I made it, I made it through this week, and it's getting more formulaic, I know what to expect, I'm learning how to manage my time, nothing to do at work until Wednesday, then I'm slammed, then I wind down, making it up as I go along.

And with this New Moon I want to make wishes, and I want to state, in no uncertain terms, what it is I want.

In addition to loving and being loved, I want to get away from the grind. I want a more uncommon existence, one more akin to what I once had, one where the priorties are more along the lines of pleasure seeking and caring for myself and what's around me, not wasting my days 'working for the man'. I aspire to create and surround myself with my own creations, and to make a difference, however that is possible.

There are details, but I want to put it out to the universe that I don't want my life as it is now, I accept it, but I don't want it, I want so much more, and I think it's attainable if I try a little bit harder, and if the forces that be aid me in my own quest for this happiness.

That said, I'm sure nothing will change! I'm blowing smoke out my proverbial ass, but that's me, like it or not. I'm cool with it.

Letterman has stupid human tricks tonight, another event on another show I rarely watch anymore. But I do still pay an exorbitant amount for the digital cable. I like knowing it's there if I want it.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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