Wednesday, Sept. 03, 2003 / 7:37 p.m.

~No Sympathy~

(Unrelated to anything really, but I'm beginning to like IE a lot better than Netscape lately - It simply allows more access to more sites, more pages, they're VISIBLE on IE, whereas they are not on Netscape, but IE is slower, strangely enough - alas, I run the Netscape users diaryring, and I am a staunch supporter of all that is not Microsoft, as I don't support megalopolies, unless they're McDonald's and Disney, because they're so intertwined with my own childhood it's impossible to see where I begin and they end, but that's not true at all - anyway, here I am, in IE 6.)

Are you sitting down? "You" being the future me. Yes, well, it appears, don't get too excited, but it appears the Mexicans left. It appears. I noticed it when I ventured outside my abode after my three day hibernation, um, weekend - their carpet sample doormat was gone, which is not too unusual, as they've been known to get a new one, or wash the old one, or most likely get a new one, as I said, but it's gone. And then I noticed yesterday after work that ALL of their vehicles were gone, two pickup trucks and at least two sedans. Gone. And then, and then, today I really looked, noticed their broken window blinds were fixed, and white, not off white like the other set in the other window, a noticeable new set, and the windows were all closed, which is odd as they don't use their a/c, they never have.

And in keeping with the quick and oh so observant gander I took on my way in for lunch today, I saw their porch was empty, no hammock, no children, no women in the kitchen cooking lunch, visible from the parking lot, or sidewalk on the way in, no smell of ground corn for tortillas, and their vertical blinds were closed and the sliding glass door was shut, and I put it all together, and realized this is the beginning of the month, their lease must have been up, they are gone.

And you know what? I felt really weird, almost sad, almost like I'd lost something. How peculiar is that? Now I'm thinking about their empty apartment, and who will replace them, and how long will it take to clean that place, as with the kids, etc., and all the people living there, it looks really unkempt, to be diplomatic. The door is filthy, the steps outside are filthy, I got gum on my shoe two days in a row now, white gum that matches the concrete sidewalk, 'no-see-em' gum. Fuck.

And then I think (not just about all these paragraphs starting with 'and', because who cares really?) about all the empty apartments there must be lately, and how the leasing office is closed, except for the maintenance guys going in there, and how when I paid my rent the other day I grabbed one of the little apartment magazine things, which is all advertising and syndicated articles, but it lists the 'staff' on the front, and the woman who worked there for years is gone, and her assistant Amanda is gone, and I feel like I'd like to know what happened, but I feel I never will, unless I stop one of the maintenance guys and ask.

This all makes me so uncomfortable. I think my rising sign is Taurus after all, not Gemini, because I have to be comfortable in my home, I have to surround myself with lovely things, and eat sensous gourmet food, and I don't care to go out, I love to stay home, but I can't stand my home life coming into question. And (another 'and' sentence) maybe this is why I so often dream I'm moving. It feels unsettled here, like no one is in charge. Really.

But they're gone, and that feels weird. The little girls were SO cute. The one would always say "Hi" to me, and wave in that grabbing hand kind of way. Must've been about 2, I guess.

Ah well.

Only other major news is Veronica doing drugs at work, 'muscle relaxers', yeah, and she shouldn't, and I heard her, because really who canNOT hear her?, saying how she really should've only taken half, but she took the whole one, and her girlfriend told her she needed to be spanked for that, and she told her girlfriend she'd let her husband do that, all of this being said to Penelope, who I'm not sure wanted to know.

So, we must've all known she was on barbs, and I remembered my own days of Quaalude ingestion and wondering if I should 'do a half' or a whole, and Art and I would say, "Wanna do a ludle?", because Quaaludes were good. David Steinberg can tell you that, and he told Tom Snyder, on national TV. And he's a director now, Steinberg, not Snyder, Snyder is retired, which is too bad. But I digress.

So, as now these paragraphs shall begin with 'so', Veronica rushed to the mailroom with the mail, rushing because Q, Jane and I had rushed to take our break, or not rushed, but we were gone, and as Kukla is in the Bahamas with her man, it's just V and P on the phones when we're on break, right? And apparently, well, on muscle relaxers, when you've done a whole one instead of a half one you really shouldn't run, she fell. In the mailroom, and she twisted her ankle, and the new site manager, and the HR manager, and our Manager (M), hovered, and filled out reports, and gave Veronica directions to the crappy workers' comp clinic I went to when I hurt my wrist, and she got waited on the rest of the day, "Baby, will you get my documents off the copier" - it's a printer, V, a printer. "Baby, are you gonna be FAXin', 'cuz I got some FAXin', if you don't mind, do you mind, baby?", etc.

Our Manager (M) could be overheard saying, later, "So you took it this morning?", and making a face like, "Oh, so that's what it was", so she knows.

People, save the drugs for when you get home, or don't run on drugs, not in heels. Heels + drugs = twisted ankle.

I have no sympathy, zilch, nada, niente.

Time for the next "BB4" eviction, and I'm hungry.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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