Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 / 7:07 p.m.

~Can I Blame It On Mercury, Please?~

I was just reading about Mercury leaving its retrograde today, stopping and going forward, and how it might make a person feel like something's broken, like tension has lifted, or it may make a person (ME!) confused or stressed.

Actually, I've been feeling dizzy and confused, not just confused, that would be too easy. But my district contact was also confused, wrote a 'typographical error' on a 'sticky note' to me, and made many errors on documents, thusly providing the impetus for many phone calls throughout the work day today, and many thoughts, on my part, of "Thank god it was HER error and not mine!", and "Thank god it's not just me!", and "Yeah, I'm not the only one, maybe it's not early Alzheimer's after all", but now I know, it was Mercury, it's been Mercury all along.

Go to Jonathan Cainer's site and read about this Mercury Retrograde thing, and how it's now moving forward, in Aries, so things are especially even super weirder and more wonderful (for ME), or something.

It's just nice to have a bit of an explanation, but what about the dizziness? Maybe if I ate more food? Yeah, I need to work on breakfast. I think if I ate in the morning I would perform better at work.

Ah, work, it's over now, I should let it go, but I dream about it, I am always there, it's become all-consuming, my life in my little cubicle, my phone calls to my districts, my documents, the 'keying', the data entry, the audits, the persnickety anal retentive attention to all details which must be paid. The constant stress, and clenching, and eye strain, whee, but it's fun.

I'm up for another full and complete audit, and we'll know Monday how I managed. I had help to double and triple check, but oy, oy with the tedium, and oy with my admission that hey, I can't always make the grade, some day I will fail, I will get 99%, not one hundred. Face the facts, eh?

Friday night and I should be partying, or protesting at the emergency war protest downtown, or shopping for food, or cleaning my apartment, or slouching on the couching, but I will, the latter, as it's all I have energy for. Tired, tired, long, long week.

I feel like eating, eating, eating, and slouching, lounging, slacking, lying prone, and prostrate, still, remote in hand. Maybe some vanilla red tea, maybe a cat or two.

Which brings up a point worth mentioning, a thought I thought earlier. It occurred to me I might like to hide from my cats.

Yes, that's what I said, that's what I wrote. A little while ago I got up and went into the living room to watch Dan Rather read off the top stories of the day, and dammit if both cats didn't follow me and immediately try to gauge who would be the one on my lap.

But I didn't want anyone on my lap, my lap is my own, my lap, my choice, dammit. Dammit, again. Oy with the cats and the dammit.

I know, I know, oh sure, I know, they're lonely, they're bored with each other, and I am fascinating and entertaining and have a fine lap, really fiiiiiiine, and who wouldn't want to sit upon it anyway? But come on, man, there are cozy comfy spots all over, and toys out the veritable yin yang, why me?

Do they love me? They've eaten, it's not about the food. Why do people think cats are independent and aloof? They should meet the infamous two who live here. Needy, silly girls.

(Aw, I just looked over to see Glaysn and her big eyes looking right back at me, from her spot on the... yes, the floor. The keyboard is on my lap. My lap, my choice.)

I'm going to check the digital cable, see if any good movies are on, and maybe even partake of the 'on demand' feature at some point, if nothing can be caught spontaneously, as the spontaneous catching of something really good and wonderful is my favorite method after all.

Now, I have online sweepstakes to enter, and a few diaries and journals to read before I hit the sofa. Ahhhh, Friday. It's a glorious thing.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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Happy Kitty

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