Saturday, May. 14, 2005 / 3:17 p.m.

~When Worlds Collide~

First, I feel it important to note that I have now realized why it is the air conditioning is 'working' today, why it is coming on, and cooling, and shutting off when the air has reached the desirable temperature (some 78 degrees - it can get no cooler that that in here with the a/c as it is)... it is less than 80 outside today. And we just had a lovely thunderstorm, over far too quickly for my taste. I am stressed, yes, stressed, that I need to get the same incompetent asshole out here again to add some fucking freon, which is what I requested the first time. This will be the fourth, or is it more now?, time I've had maintenance come here for the exact same issue. And I would kick and scream, or at least be definitively 'firm' in filing a complaint, but these people, as I have said, have a key to my apartment.

It's just like yelling at your restaurant server for an improperly cooked food item. That person has YOUR food in HER/HIS hands. Be very careful, I'm serious, you've seen "Fight Club", yeah?, read the book? I rest my case.

Large sigh here.

Okay, that will resolve itself, I'm more worried about the job interview I have on Monday. I have no appropriate 'professional' clothing to wear. Appropriate for 80 degree and up weather. Nothing. No, I will not go shopping this weekend. I do not want to work in the corporate world. The money would be great, sure, the hours amazing if I could get the shift I want, but you're kidding if you think I'm wearing a suit, or a dress, or a skirt. Not with my tattoos, not this time of year, not not, not at all not. Not no. NO.

Pushing all that to the side to write a decent account of last night, yes, last night I finally met a Diaryland writer I've been reading for at least four years, and one whom I've not afforded the deserved attention as of late, it's true, but she is worthy and I intend to catch up. I met Ms. SixWeasels, and her husband, Mr. Six Weasels (in town just for the week), and no, there are not six weasels anymore, but there were. If I have it correct, there should be two ferrets and a cat at this point, and hopefully another cat soon, but the menagerie aside, it's wonderful to meet Interweb people in person. We are all real and have three dimensions, and meeting her was just as nice as I hoped it would be, and her husband was charming and funny, not at all 'evil, sinister, surly or... what was the other adjective?'

Fun, I think we had fun. Dined at a biker bar in town, the biker bar where I recently enjoyed bike night, only I think then I was calling it a pub. Sure, pub, biker bar, same thing. And we went to the amazing overflowing with kitsch store next store, and bought stuff no one would ever actually 'need', but that place is amazing, and I think the out of towners thought so too.

I also got to drive them through some of my very favorite intown neighborhoods, which was nice for me too because I've been staying in for a couple of weeks since being laid off, and I needed to get out and go into town, and see people and life, and drink beer and eat a burger and talk to some really nice people whom I wish lived a lot closer than they do.

We ended up at another type of biker bar, less bikes, but still a dive, and sat outside and talked over more beers (though, admittedly, I am a really cheap date and only drink one or two all night, on any given night), and made fun of people, and lo and behold, close to 2:30 in the morning, some nut approaches and stares at me, and asks "Don't we know each other?", and I rack my brain to think of who this guy is and he DOES look familiar, and I'm thinking I worked with him... He asks my name, I tell him and he tells me his and he knows me from a WEB SITE, and not this one, but egad, is it really a good thing I have so much of an 'online presence'????? He reaches out his hand to shake mine with a limp grip and will not let go.

He has sent me messages via the web site in the past, even went so far as to find me on a chat program and send me messages there, and I quickly put him on 'ignore', and thought he was gone, but there he was in the flesh, holding my hand with that limp grip, and he asked what I was doing there, coming all the way from the 'burbs... he knows where I live, the general area anyway.

I introduced him to my new friends who feel like old friends, and he shook their hands limply and I think he sat down for a minute, I don't even remember, but we only all three stared at him and he soon left. When I got hom very late last night/early this morning, I checked email and found he'd contacted me through that web site again, to say it was great to meet me, he wants to go have a drink some night, and my pictures do not do me justice.

I am a freak magnet.

And I think I'm staying in my apartment for the rest of my life.

Okay, maybe not, but that was one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me, and it put some peculiar punctuation on the evening, sort of like... @%*&^ Yes, sort of like that.

It was so fun to meet SixWeasels though, and to get out and to have some fun, I hope I get to travel to her city some time and she can show me all her favorite neighborhoods, and I can treat her to a dinner at some local pub there. Soon, let's hope.

Speaking of out of towners, my cousin wrote again. She will be here June 23rd, which is the birthday of someone who strangely still means a great deal to me despite my own protestations against old feelings that cease to die per my bidding. I'll always think of him when I hear that date, but she is coming, and will stay only one night. I haven't seen her since 1985, so this should be interesting. I have no idea what sort of job I'll be working then, or how hard it will be to go fetch her from the airport and bring her here for the night. I hope we can go out to a nice dinner too.

Something else to look forward to, which is nice.

For now, I'm in a lot of pain. I think I was uncomfortable in our outdoor seating last night, and I strained my neck, so aspirin may be in order, and foodstuffs, most assuredly. I've been meaning to shop for groceries all week and have still not accomplished that one, seemingly simple goal.

The rain has stopped, for now.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Run, Kitty, Run!

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It Was 40 Years Ago Today - 9:44 a.m. , Friday, Oct. 12, 2012

Dead Black Cat - 9:07 a.m. , Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

As Seen From Outer Space - 1:07 a.m. , Saturday, Dec. 05, 2009

I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

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