Wednesday, Jul. 21, 2004 / 8:10 p.m.

~Me, and the Beel Cleentone Booksigning, a Cross-Post~

I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, key word being 'fairly', but every so often even I am amazed by my stupidity.

I was convinced that the booksigning, the Beel Cleentone (sorry, that's Bill Clinton in Spanish) event, was at 7:00. I really was. It was ingrained in my psyche. Bill Clinton, 7:00. So yeah, I changed clothes, I put on my Kucinich for President t-shirt (well, I don't own any 'Defend America, Defeat Bush' shirts, and I'm tired of wearing my American International Apology T-Shirt), and I drove to town (I even had my digital camera in my purse). Not far, and I made it to the store right at 7:00, but there were no people there, at least not at the bookstore.

Oh, I say, it must be at the other Chapter 11. So, ten minutes later (I hate driving in town, all stop and start and stop and start, takes ten minutes to drive just a few miles away) I'm at the other store, and I see those portable crowd control fences, those 'herding' things they set up for large crowds, but they're in no particular order, and there are no crowds. I park and go in, knowing I'm clearly mistaken, and am about to ask a helpful behind the counter clerk when I see the ad for the event posted, Beel Clintone signed books alright, today alright, AT NOON.

Unh huh.

So, I say, well well well, three holes in the ground, I am like really stupid and an idiot, and I just wasted a lot of gas and time, and not that I had anything better to do, but Jesus god, I NEVER go out on weeknights, except when I actually do, so this is weird, and what shall I do? A movie? Sure, I answer. Sure. So I drive to my favorite independent film theatre and check showtimes and nothing is showing when I want it to be, and there's my favorite little bistro, and I am hungry, and I'd love some fish or veggies or fruit, or all three, but I don't want to go in alone, not in the mood, nothing to read, feel so conspicuous, wearing my Kucinich shirt, for god's sake, yeah, for GOD's sake!

So, right, I leave, and keep driving, and my legs are all hot and sweaty sitting on the upholstery all starting and stopping and everything, and I'm sick of driving, and starting and stopping, and shifting gears, and my car is hating it too, it's an Interstate Vehicle the past few years, and I don't want to go to a restaurant alone, I hate eating out alone, and I don't want heavy food from some Chinese restaurant for takeout, and blah, blah, blah, so I drive home.

Approximately one and one half hours it took.

I'm exactly where I was when I began. And I'm hungry, for good food. I need to cultivate some serious friends. And if I had a cell phone I'd wager half of all that would have never happened. People with cell phones can call Moviefone to check showtimes, and order takeout on their way to pick it up. And etc.

So I'm an idiot and a Luddite. But I'm entertaining, yeah? Never a dull moment. Yeppers.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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