Friday, Aug. 27, 2004 / 7:09 p.m.

~Adventures in the Land of Wireless Communications~

Oh, I was Ms. Cell Phone today. Had that thing cocked and ready, added people's numbers, gave them mine, had to look it up first each time, can't remember the thing, no mnemonic device to help, and I carried it around, and called people in cubicles just on the other side of mine. I was silly goofy with it, and laughed at me, all day.

After work, I called the company, Working Assets, and told them it arrived yesterday rather funkily packaged, my new phone, and when I explored the menu in its entirety last night whilst lying bed (until approximately 1:30 a.m., listening to Craig Kilborn wax on and on about it being his penultimate night on the air as sardonic late late night talk show host) I found a number already dialed and left in the call log, and with an area code I've never heard of.

I thought the whole thing was fishy, though the phone seems fine, no dings, no scratches, it functions, it's good, I've thought all day, despite the fact it was already mostly charged and I didn't need to give it the 12 hours a new phone requires, so I phoned and now I'm returning it and getting a new one. A real 'new' one.

After finding the date and time on the logged call, and telling the CSR, it was determined this was done in 'warehouse', before shipping (which makes me go "!!!"), and this is why we're getting a new one, the CSR and I. He was extra cool and efficient and helpful and I loved him. Nice accent too, sort of Arabic I think.

Alas. My big day. There's more, we played games at work. Yep, actual games. The company's database is undergoing an overhaul so we haven't 'keyed' in two days, and today we just played 'getting to know you' games, and had 'scavenger hunts', and my supervisor created an elborate game of trivial pursuit, all on her own (took her a couple weeks, as I saw her working on it daily in her cube, on her PC), and it was damned fun.

Really, it was a good day. We got our OT they were screwing us out of as of yesterday, and found out that people who speak out against injustices do affect positive changes when faced with reasonable opposition. Yay, and such.

I'm rather tired now though. The whole cell phone excitement and anticlimactic necessary return (must wait to receive new one first - glad I called though), and the crazy three days of work at the end of this week, and, well, that's it really. I'm most cerebrally preoccupied and greatly need to find a way to even it all out, smooth it all over, relax.

But there are Interweb things to accomplish first, and then the weekend takes over, in full force.

I've canceled the midnight movie tonight on account of my cough. I won't be one of those people who goes out to the movies with bronchitis, and coughs throughout the whole thing. Not that I have bronchitis, but I have been coughing for days and I won't put anyone else through having to listen to it.

Perhaps I should print this whoe diary out and bind it. Perhaps I should.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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