Monday, Jan. 03, 2005 / 5:54 p.m.

~It's Been a Day~

I came home and told Norman, i.e. 'gassy bowel girl' (hey, it was on the X-ray, what can I say?), "I need to hang my new calendars, I need to vacuum, I need to wash dishes, and cook and make a grocery list so I can cook more, and there are so many things I need to do!", and then I came in here and turned on my PC and checked email and started goofing around online.

I get such a kick out of me. I, the born procrastinator. Why do today what one can put off until tomorrow? The store? Cats have one more can of food, it can wait. Groceries? Food? There are always Ramen noodles. I know there's some canned salmon, and it's actually quite good, some Campbell's Chunky soup of some kind, oatmeal, bread, peanut butter, it would be days before I'd starve. I'm good to go.

The store can wait. Everything can wait. But I stopped to hang three calendars, and I'm happy with them. I had to clean up Norm's upchucky mess too, silly girl. I told her, "Norm, you eat too fast, I honestly think that's what it is", and she looked at me and said, "I threw up!", and so I said, "Yes, why yes you did. And it was ooky and I had to clean it up, oh, I know all about it."

Now, though it may not even look like it, I'm steeping some Vanilla Red tea, and engaging in a semi-serious case of Spring Fever. I know it's January, and it's so weird that it's aught five instead of aught four, so very weird, but it's 70 degrees fahrenheit every day and that makes it difficult to concentrate on it being January, and newly aught five.

I turned the heater on at lunch today, just to take the 'edge' off, but otherwise, birds have been singning, the sky has been, well, nice, not that a sky can be spring-like, though possibly it can, sure, I suppose it can, but it's been going right along with everything else, it suits the warm weather and the warm weather suits it, and today I was thinking of being in the ocean, just you know, standing in it, waist high, feeling the current, the waves, warm water, a beach, I was lost in fantasy.

I was seriously lost in daydreaming, and thank god for daydreaming, for I really went places today, and it was lovely, and now I'm back and I need to do this, and that, and this and that too, but it will all wait, I think.

This is a whole lot of rambling about absolutely nothing, because I feel a bit emptied out. Purged. Filled up, purged, filled up, purged, I think I'm an emotional bulimic. Ding, ding, ding, ding, tell her what she's won, Jonny!

Lovely parting gifts are all I'd really want, and even then, it was a privilege just to play, really, thank you so much for this opportunity.

Now? Tea. Avoidance, er, procrastination. It's been a day, after all. It's been a day.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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I Survived to Tell the Tale - 7:29 a.m. , Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

Reading My Life - 12:55 p.m. , Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009

Happy Kitty

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