Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 / 3:23 p.m.

~Sisal Rope, When Scratched Upon, Will Shred and Make Fine Food For Hungry and Bored Felines~

I really do love my Yahoo! start page, but it's always got these HUGE flash banners that take forever to get going on this old PC. Frustrating.

On that page, however, is today's horoscope, because I put it there, I requested it, and often it's the one from the previous day because Yahoo! really kind of is not that great, overall, and it has way too much advertising, but less than MSN, by far, and other web sites that offer 'start pages', although really you can make any page on the Interweb your 'start page', but I digress, today's horoscope, for moi:

"Congratulations, dear Aries! A goal you have been working towards for a long time has finally been reached. Success and advancement are on their way, and you should be feeling extremely enthusiastic and optimistic about your future. Some vast changes may take place in your life, but they all promise to be positive ones. Expect some travel, and a lot of expansion of knowledge. Make the most of these energies."

Isn't that nice? I thought so. I used that positive energy to throw my clothes in the dryer without fear of it exploding, and so far it's not making that horrible 'gonna explode' noise it made last time. So, yeah, good.

Norman has been eating the sisal off her scratchpost, again, and of course she threw it up in a pile, again, and this is not only a weird habit, but maybe I should be giving her something to eat besides her Science Diet, and then again, maybe after 15 years and several cats, it's time to re-sisal the scratchpost. If it weren't coming undone she wouldn't have sisal to eat. I should go check to make sure she's not doing it again.....

No, she's sitting in the hallway all crouch-y. Both cats think this would be a good time to eat, but it's not the official time, and I am the offical time keeper, so no, no food, not yet.

I cut my nails and filed them, and Gladys sat atop her litterbox hood and watched, as she loves to do. I held the little emery board down towards her face so she could bat at it, as she loves to do, and then I used the clippers to do her nails, er, claws. That was when I went to get Norman to do hers and found her in must-puke position next to the scratchpost, a piece of sisal sticking out, all wet and freshly sucked upon, then saw the pile of used sisal exit Ms Norman's esophagus, and I put her on the porch, closed the door behind her.

Oh, such punishment to be locked on the screened porch on a beautiful sunny warm day, such horror! She just sat by the sliding glass door begging to come back in. Cats.

I'm running out of fresh food. I was considering having some blueberry waffles with honey maple butter, and a fresh mango, but I'm not even hungry. I was eating the third and last bowl of the sausage/potato/vegetable medley (Hah! Medley!) I cooked last night, whilst watching "The Pink Panther" on TCM. At one point I was convinced there was pork liver in that sausage, like the Chinese sausage Dave and I bought one time, and upon reading the list of ingredients, whilst eating it, promptly pulled it from our mouths and threw it away, looking at each other with questioning eyes, as if to say, "What's the big deal, shouldn't we eat it anyway?"

Last night's fresh sausage was made with pork, and chopped apples, and it definitely had brown sugar in it because it leaked out with the 'drippings' and when I cooked the diced potatoes, onions and garlic in said drippings the mixture turned a lovely but very dark golden brown. I wiped the pan before cooking the zucchini, broccoli, red and green bell pepper, and celery.

I think I just have an increased appetite due to pre PMS. PPMS.

And I fell asleep watching "The Pink Panther", though I woke a few times to hear the young and handsome version of Robert Wagner shouting about something, and again later to some old silent movie with funky silent movie music, as I've said it's impossible not to fall asleep to TCM without waking to some funky silent movie.

Today, despite getting up and going to bed just before 7:00 and then sleeping WAY too late, on account of it's Sunday, I dreamed Moby dreams. They were vivid and sort of built upon each other. The whole dream experience was rich as I kept waking and turning from side to side, as one might say, "tossing and turning", knowing I'd had way too much sleep and really I should get up.

Moby. The bottom line of the dreams (two in combination, I think) was that he and I are really not suited to one another at all. I think I even pointed this out in one of them, something to the effect of, "You and I are two VERY different people". So there you have that.

I still haven't called Brandy about her friend coming to fix my computer. Though they're all around, I've yet to go to a bookstore to peruse computer books. I've also yet to visit the Cirque du Soleil box office to purchase a ticket to said Cirque. And I've yet to finish my apartment cleaning project, i.e. dusting the bedroom and library. And wouldn't you know it, but dust has fallen on all the surfaces dusted during the dusting marathon from two weeks ago this very day. Sad, but true.

Dusting is supposed to be done regularly. Hence, the reason I seldom do it.

Lovely diary entry, we have dusting, sleeping, overeating, strange sausage, cat vomit, manicuring. What else?

That's plenty for now. The upcoming week holds 'challenge, drama, separation' and god knows what else, according to the world's preeminent astrologers.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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