Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002 / 10:52 p.m.

~The Movement's Gone From Roots to Action - There's Hope In the Numbers~

A year ago today I was getting into something, a grass roots anti-war movement that has since lost and regained steam so many times everyone involved has permanent frizzies.

They lost momentum, I lost momentum, they got it back, and I have it again too. How can I not with all the emails I get on a daily basis? So much 'preaching to the choir'. I know, I know, I see it, yes, yes, what can we do, how can we stop it?

And today I saw an article in the Washington Post online that made me sit up and want to cheer some more. More than Scott Ritter getting fired up on CNN, more than the little mumblings and grumblings, but it's possibly got some manipulative undertones.... Al Gore speaking out against a war on Iraq. Wow. I'm now thinking there could be serious and major opposition to this thing, despite all the Tony Blairs in the world, despite all the 'evidence' that Hussein is ready to nuke us. It's all a smokescreen, wagging of the dog, or dogs, plural, etc. Even the most conservative politically are now seen scratching their heads, tugging on their beards, or hiking up their stockings (what?) and asking, "Huh?". I LOVE it!

Hallefuckinglujah, as I am wont to say.

Thank you, Al Gore. Thank you, Scott Ritter (the former UN weapons inspector, the one who has SEEN for himself what Hussein has or has not). And thank you to those who stuck with the grass roots orgs, who are now wading in grass at least thigh high, no longer roots. We've splintered, we've strayed, but we're still around, I know we are. And I know we can mobilize at a moment's notice. I am sorry I'll be seeing the Stones instead of going to D.C. (I got my ticket in the mail today!!!!!!!), but I'm there in spirit. I'm at every meeting, I'm reading every email, I'm there.

So, I was trying to get involved one year ago today. And now I've lost touch. I'm not a social animal, that can't be helped, nor changed, but I am still on the verge of being in the midst, right there in the fray, and I will, if and when the need is there. One protest I'll miss, one demonstration, but maybe the voices are louder this time, maybe they're grander and more powerful than we've been before, and maybe change is under way. I'm excited to see such vocal opposition, to read of it, to see it on national news, on CBS, not just BBC.

And maybe, just maybe, like I worry about uneaten food in buffets, it will happen without me. The voices will be heard, they'll be loud enough this time. Mine would help, but it's going on and I can join in as soon as I'm ready and able.

You can read the Transcript of Gore's Speech to gain a better perspective on the long range repercussions of an immediate WAR ON IRAQ. Gore has his head together on this. Why, oh why, couldn't he have been our President?

Cost of the War in Iraq
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