Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 / 7:53 p.m.

~George's Warning~

Fuck me to TEARS! What in the HELL was THAT?!?!?!?!?

I was only trying to catch up on my tapes, my celebrity survivor fear factor show, the get me out of here show, and I was only pausing the tape in between one and the next and there was the President, the one who wasn't even elected, the one who was appointed, the one who makes me feel ashamed and embarassed alternately when I look at him, and all these American flags were behind him, and it was only 7:30 and I didn't hear about this, I turned off the evening news early, I had no idea this was coming.

I felt nauseous and like I wanted to cry, I thought this was it, I mean IT, the grand pronouncement, the WAR CRY, but it was the precursor, the spin, the whitewash, the rallying cry, the come on, people, let's DO THIS THING, sort of speech, in front of some anonymous audience that applauded every so often, or every time he paused, which is at the end of every sentence, or so it seems.

APPLAUSE for a speech like this? What the fuck? I had to cover my eyes, I was holding my head, keeping it from exploding. I honestly wished hard for some really strong, super intelligent, outrageously politically aware and educated friend that I could dial up, just so I could say, "OHMYGODDOYOUHEARWHATHE'SSAYING?????!"

A free and peaceful Palestinian state after we take over Iraq? Oh, and we won't exactly 'take over', we'll just help the Iraqi citizens choose the right new dictator, er, democratic 'leader'. Um, because it's like, THEIR, choice, unh huh, mmmm hmmmmm. But yeah, like once we go in and slaughter their soldiers and lose a few thousand of our own, and kill a few hundred thousand innocent civilians, in that old pesky display of 'collateral damage', well, things are gonna be so fucking hunky dorey, the entire fucking Middle East will be crawling with furry bunnies and green grass and little children frollicking and holding hands and the sun will shine after the rain and TWO rainbows will appear.

Because WE will step in and make it happen. Once we rid the world of the big bad EVIL DICTATOR, all will be right with the world. And we respect the UN, hell yeah, unh huh, we shore do, and we're acting on behalf of the UN Security Council, because we are self-appointed security for the entire WORLD, but most especially that part of the world that has all that black slimy stuff we like to boil down and put in our SUVs..... oil that is, Iraqi tea. Whoo yeah!

Jesus. He should've been sitting atop his steed, cowboy hat on his little head, maybe some good suede gloves on his hands clutching a big wad of rope or something. I don't know. I just don't know. It was horrible. It was so horrible. The propaganda, the spin, the nonsense, who does he think he's fooling? Who fell for that crap? All the people who have closets filled with duct tape and plastic sheeting??? Jesus, people, wake the fuck up!

It's this country's foreign policy that put us in this position. Do you think there is an Al Qaeda network because some people are just born bad? Do you think we're hated because women in Hollywood get botox injections, silicone breasts and bleach their hair blonde?

I'm semi-shaking. I thought this was it. This was merely the beginning of it. What's it going to be like when it really is it? I heard people running around outside on the steps during the 'speech', people oblivious to it, and I wanted to run out and grab them, "TURN ON YOUR TVs, LOOK AT THIS, LISTEN TO THIS MADMAN!"

How can Cainer be so positive? How can he keep writing about what a difference the protestors are going to make, about how something much more pressing is going to pop up, how can I be reading about North Korea threatening to attack us, and how can we honestly be going to attack Iraq, now, NOW? And how in the hell can Bush think that we're falling for his rhetoric?

Who wrote that speech? Millions of emergency rations? We're going to send medical supplies? We're going to rebuild? Why? Because we're going to tear it down? Oh my god. Oh my god. Even Dan Rather commented after it was over that Bush had never before really mentioned the Palestinian state thing, equating an entire new Peaceful Land Of the Middle Oil East after we obliterate Iraq.

I'm freaking out, but "Star Search" is on in the living room. Fucking "Star Search". I'm going to go back and watch the other episode of "I'm A Celebrity...", the celebrity survivor fear factor show, like nothing is happening, but I want to make a big sign, and I'm not sure what I want to write on it, but I want to take to the streets and carry my sign and shout and chant and march and walk arm in arm with everyone else who is so fucking pissed off right now she/he can barely do more than sit and write about it online. Write an email, or call a friend, or plan the next march, the next demonstration.

I thought I was over it, I thought it was doing no good, that all was futile, but I'm sparked now more than I have been, beacause this war is NOT IN MY NAME, and I'm pissed that George W is going ahead with something that less than half of this country wants, that really no other country in this world wants. This is wrong, and against all the rules. And it's just bad. To put it simply, really, really simply.

Some little kid is singing, "Somewhere" on "Star Search". What will happen to the kids in Iraq once we start the war? Tear them down so we can rebuild? Who made us the World's Police Force? What gives us the right?

I'm shaking my head, I'm sagging. Inside I'm ready to take to the streets, but on the outside I'm worn.

I'm babbling incoherently, I'll go write elsewhere.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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